This Personalized Packaging Service is only available for International Orders.
eStarland 'Per-Pack' Package Personalization Service
With the new “Per-Pack” service, your package will be customized per your request. This will include a hand written shipping label, customs form and it will ship from an individual rather than a business. To add this service to your order, simply add the following product to your shopping cart. You can also add additional instructions in the “My Message to eStarland” section at checkout.
If you add this product to your shopping cart, you will be purchasing's Personalized Packaging service.
Also known as 'Per-Pack,' this service ensures that your shipment receives special attention and care.
Per-Pack Service Fee: The following amount will be added to the shipping fee based on your shipping method.
With Regular Delivery: $4.00
With Priority Delivery: $5.00
With Express Delivery: $7.00
PRODUCT Features
What You Get With eStarland's Per-Pack Service
All addresses are handwritten
Items are sent from an individual rather than a company
Customs forms are filled out by hand
Postage is manually printed with postage meter
Any further requests can be written in the 'My Message to eStarland' section at checkout
How To Get eStarland's Per-Pack Service
When you add this service to your shopping cart, that order will be processed and shipped in accordance with the standards
listed above.
This service must be added to your shopping cart for each order you want personalized. If this item is not in your
shopping cart when you check out, your order will be shipped out as per usual.
This service covers your entire order.
Why There Is A Fee
Orders must be removed from the automated shipping process
Extra time, labor, and employees must be dedicated to manually prepare orders and additional expenses must be incurred
This service decreases overall productivity in order to better serve the needs of customers
Is My Package Trackable?
Shipping Method
Tracking Enabled
Customs Form Size
International First Class
Small Size
International Priority Envelope
Small Size
International Priority Box
Large Size
International Express
Large Size
Please note that with Per-Pack Tracking, the first update will be much later than if it was done with a computer-generated label. Since the package information isn’t directly sent to USPS when the postage label is made, the package does not get an update until it either arrives to the city where it get shipped internationally from or when it actually leaves the United States.