Street Fighter X Tekken Official Guide by BradyGames
"Street Fighter" is best known for its well-polished 2D game play, and "Street Fighter IV" is an exemplary addition to the series. And now, based on the "Street Fighter IV" engine, the "TEKKEN" characters will be stepping into the ring to fight. Featuring two on two "Tag Team Fighting", and together with Battle and Training Modes, this title will push the series beyond its limits.
PRODUCT Features
- Complete Frame Data and Statistics: Detailed statistics and data for every character featuring Startup, Active, Recovery, and Advantage frames for every move.
- Tips and Tricks from Tournament Veterans: Character specific strategy and team tactics written with the beginner, intermediate, and advanced player in mind.
- Damaging Combos and Pressure Tactics: Learn how to use pressure strings, frame traps, and safe moves to force your opponent into making mistakes you can punish for huge damage.
- Character Data Appendix: A quick reference section that places each character's vital statistics and frame data in one easy to flip to location.
- Paperback, 432 pages
- Covers the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 & PC versions of the game.
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