The surreal, apocalyptic world of rose brides, secret student councils, silhouette stage girls, high-stakes sword duels and revolutionary prince girls all come to life in the long-awaited 'Utena Original Soundtrack,' loaded with 36 tracks of unpredictable music that's unlike anything you've ever heard in an anime TV series. Filled to disc capacity with whimsical violin pieces, elegant, sad piano solos and dramatic dueling choruses, this is one eclectic CD, featuring 11 vocal tracks and 25 instrumentals, including the unforgettably meaningful opening theme song, 'A Round Dance- Revolution' and the passionate ending song, 'Truth.'
PRODUCT Features
Track Listings:
Revolutionary Girl Overture
A Round Dance - Revolution
Brightened Garden
School Scarlet (Utena's theme)
School Lyric
Jump Up Beauty
The Sigh of the Rose (Anthy's theme)
She is Refined
Her Tragedy
Eros' Dance
Heart's Dice
Invisible Rose
Reminiscence Paradise
Death of Aphrodite
Brightened Garden - Illusion
A Person Who Shoots at the Sun
The Memory of an Idea
Legend: The God's Name is Abraxas
Eye Catch
Alien Kashira (A Silhouette Girl's Theme)
The Revelation of Absolute Destiny
Pray to Dios
When Where Who Which
Inside the Body of The Paleozoic Era
Spira Mirabirisu Theater
Angel creation, namely light
Last Evolution
A Sealed Spell
No One Talks About It
The Revelation of Absolute Destiny (Industrial mix)