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Hunter x Hunter Group 10 Ounce Ceramic Mug  (Merchandise)

Release Date: 04/25/2023

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Hunter x Hunter Group 10 Ounce Ceramic Mug
  • Publisher: Abysse America
  • Genre: Drinkware
  • Platform: Merchandise



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Price: $11.95

MSRP: $14.99


Hunter x Hunter Group 10 Ounce Ceramic Mug (Anime Merchandise)

Saying that passing the Hunter's Exam isn't easy may be one of the greatest understatements of all time. With tricks and traps around every corner, and the very real chance of experiencing some death and dismemberment at some point along the way, it's not exactly something you can snooze through. Keep your senses sharp and pass with flying colors (and hopefully the same amount of limbs you started with), thanks to this mug. With a design featuring Gon, Kurapika, Kirua, and Leorio, it's the perfect way for Hunter x Hunter fans to start the day.

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